Sourcing whole citrus fruits

Our raw materials are sourced from around the world according to the citrus growing seasons. During our wintertime we procure seasonal fruit from countries of the northern hemisphere, but then in summertime we obtain seasonal fruits from countries of the southern hemisphere. We have established relationships with our wholesalers, both here in England and Europe.

Whole citrus fruits are grown in orchards belonging to major citrus industries, who diligently manage their assets for the mutual benefit and continuity of supply.

All suppliers have recognised standing within the global food industry and examples of accreditation are the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance Standard (IFA), ISO Accreditation, BRCGS, Organic Certification.

Each lot of raw material is fully traceable to source by its labelling which will include any of the following, a Barcode, a GGN 13-digit number that uniquely identifies each producer and individual member of a producer group in the GLOBALG.A.P. Database, or a Traceability number.

Collaboration within the supplier chain is paramount to our efficient operations and meeting purchase order targets. We do everything we can do ensure frozen ingredients remain in stock for our customers, and that specialist ingredients of specific type, such as those from Blood oranges can be made as circumstances allow.

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